GUC SPSA (Scientific Pharmaceutical Students Association) is an association at the German University in Cairo that studies and promotes the interests of pharmacy students and enhances cooperation among fellow GUC students as well as other young pharmacists in Egypt and worldwide. It aims to involve students in activities and projects that do not distract from academic studies, but continuously revive students’ motivation, giving them better insight into their future career as pharmacists as well as members of the society.
Goal of the SPSA is to guide GUC pharmacy students towards the road of success which requires well-defined goals, solid foundation, effective concepts, self-esteem and positive attitude while encouraging national and international cooperation as essential contribution to the development and improvement of our country.
- Cooperating nationally and internationally to establish an excellent environment for young GUC pharmacists making them capable of meeting international standards.
- Providing programs and courses for GUC undergraduates which will help them to gain soft skills and subject them to the true conditions of professionalism and its demands so that they can orient themselves accordingly.
- Any ideas or suggestions shall be put to work if found appropriate in attempt to develop their leadership and managerial skills besides providing the space for innovative and creative ideas.