The Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit (QAAU) applies and enhances the processes of development, implementation, ongoing monitoring, documentation and continuous improvement of study programs. The QAAU also evaluates the programs to detect their strengths and weaknesses and the elements necessary for generating study programs of high quality.
Responsibilities of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit (QAAU)
- Enhancing the processes of developing, implementing, ongoing monitoring, documentation, and continuous improvement of programs.
- Implementing the process to evaluate the programs to detect their strengths and weaknesses and the elements necessary for generating study programs of high quality.
- Developing the internal quality assurance system that can lead PBT to maintain national and international accreditation (e.g. ACQUIN), gain recently introduced national accreditation and obtain further international accreditation.
- Improving the interaction, coordination, and co-operation between the responsible academic and nonacademic staff to implement self-study for all study programs, faculties, and nonacademic departments.
- Assuring a sustainable performance enhancement of quality levels for both academic and non-academic PBT disciplines.
- Maintaining the processes of national and international accreditation at program and system accreditation levels together with the processes of establishing new courses and programs whether academic or professional.
- Undertaking the required actions to assure sustainable diffusion of quality culture that allows the full participation of every member of the valuable PBT staff.
- Assuring the following actions for monitoring the educational programs:
- Publishing of lecture slides and related notes on a lecture by lecture bases
- Regular visits of tutorials and labs by instructors to monitor the teaching activities of the teaching assistants.
- Conducting, marking and publishing quizzes and assignments according to the course time plan.
- Posting model answers for quizzes and assignments according to the time plan
- Preparing table of specifications for midterm and final exams and design the exams accordingly.
- Preparing Course Specification Catalog in cooperation with the Instructors.
Hierarchy of QAAU