Master Thesis
The Master thesis aims at developing research capabilities and potential for critical scientific thinking, and deepening and/or broadening knowledge in a specific discipline by carrying out a research project on a specific topic according to approved research proposal. The student will do independent research and will learn to do the planning, search literature, make preparations and perform a research project under supervision by a member of the GUC staff within a period of six months and after finishing the 9th and 10th semesters. Defending the master thesis is a requirement for receiving the and a stepping stone on the way to a scientific career.
Following earning of the Master, the graduates will be able to:
- apply their knowledge and understanding, and problem solving abilities, in new or unfamiliar environments within broader ( or multidisciplinary) context related to different Pharmacy disciplines;
- integrate knowledge and handle complexity , and formulate judgments with incomplete or limited information, but that include reflecting on ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments;
- communicate their conclusion , and the knowledge and rational underpinning theses to specialists clearly and unambiguously;
- develop learning skills that will allow them to continue to study in a manner that may be largely self- directed or autonomous, and to take responsibility for their own professional development.
The internship is an essential part of the GUC study programs, where pharmacy students must complete a total of 300 hours (8 ECTS) of university-required internships before their graduation. The internship must be practical and related to the student’s majors; with options to apply for industrial, research or corporate internships. The aim of the internship is to link between the academic programs studied and their actual implementation in the field. Additionally, it will help pharmacy students expand their areas of knowledge and have a clear vision about possible career options.The value of work-related experience gives our graduates the chance to be successfully placed in the world of work in national and international fields of work. It aims also to equip graduates with the necessary theoretical and applied skills which permit students to function effectively in the pharmacy professional fields as in each instance, students confront the challenges and issues which they will eventually encounter in their future careers in an actual working situation and discover the value of work in a pharmaceutical business or in a health care system.
A full description of the process and its related templates and forms can be found in Part III – B - Appendix 3 (Internship Process and evaluation). In addition, students have to perform a total of 800 hours internship in community or hospital pharmacy to get their practice license from the Pharmacists Syndicate and the Ministry of health. The internship can be done during the summer vacation.
The internship is evaluated as follows: A. External Evaluation is done through Employer Reference/Evaluation Form to be delivered with technical report about the internship to the Student Career and Alumni Development office (SCAD). B. Internal Evaluation is done through the faculty internship committee and the SCAD office. A. External Evaluation After the students finish their internships, they are required to have the Employer Reference/Evaluation Form filled by their external supervisor and it has to be officially stamped by the healthcare institution/organization and delivered to Student Career and Alumni Development office. B. Internal Evaluation Each student will write an Internship Technical Report about the performed internship. Each student has to note that any activities and/or information which have been classified by the company as being “confidential” are not to be shared or mentioned in the report. Please refer to Confidentiality agreement which has to be attached to the technical report. Each student will be assigned to an academic supervisor. The academic supervisor will evaluate the students’ internship from the technical aspects.